Europa - film de Hervé All

 © Hervé All |

Hervé All is a French visual artist, in practice who often works with the idea of Metamorphosis, as a symbol of Darwinian Theory of evolution extend to symbols of love, vacuity and death. The artist’s video Europa chose to incorporate a political aspect, of course surrounded with beauty of the mask, and water... Symbols of separation as well as symbol of unicity (Someone masked became none and anyone). The video plays with answer/question basis. The journalist masked in Outremer Blue (Making the surreal aspect of her face covered questioning the "game" of dialogue with a man voice coded wish never appear on screen (no-one or anyone), identifying the protagonists as a regular citizen. As the Schrödinger cat, the reality seen, became as real as soon as the observer see it. Schrödinger said "Because we cannot see the cat into the box, the cat is, at the same time alive and dead.

  Europa - film de Hervé All

This video is a metaphor to point the lake of humanity and misunderstanding related to language. North America have a word that sounds weird for me to express the foreigner, "the alien".

Who can a human been can still be defined by is language, is face, or is country at a time of free everything or monthly everything...

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